Oi you fucking clutz!
I am officially a clutz, well a bit of a clutz, join me as I take three minutes* of your time to tell you about my clutzing this week. It's my blog, it's my tedium!
I went to that captial city of ours (I say ours, I mean those of the Grose Britanina variety) on Monday and commited my first case of clutzing. Apparently those krispy kreme doughnuts were supposed to be really exciting in the taste bud department, or so I was reliably informed. Quite correctly too as they were quite nice.
I picked a jam doughnut eating it in my right hand hoping to evoid getting jam down me, except I ended up getting Jam down my left hand sleeve! Not sure how. It left a lovely jam stain inside my sleeve and generally was rather amusing for the people watching. Luckily the stain dried up by the time we ended up at the V&A, so I made a rather weak attempt to get the jam off my sleeves, didn't really suceed, but at least it was dry for a walksie around the Kylie exhibition there. Don't want to get any Jam over those famous gold hotpants, although it turns out they only cost 50p anyway, so it wouldn't have been that bad if I were to get some jam over them. See I did learn something at the kylie exhbition, even though I thought it was a joke when I first heard about an exhbition dedicated to Miss Minogue of the non Danii variety. I'm so ignorant of culture. Excuse me. Although thinking about it, where is the Dannii Minogue exhibition? Come on she has been in Home and Away! She deserves one!My second clutzing of the week happened when I cut my finger shaving. Okay I din't really cut my finger shaving, I just wanted to say a statement like that and make my readers question me as to wether I had any intelligence in me or not. I have some probably. I just cut myself trying to get the razor blade out of the packaging, bloody superdrug! It's too hard to get the bloody blades out, and can't be done quickly when your in a hurry to get to uni, thanks to superdrug I was half an hour late, although admitedly falling back to sleep upon hearing your alarm does also delay you as well. Look there's a photo opposite so you can judge as to wether I was being a big sissy or not.
So I'm planning on triping myself up with a third clutzish event for me this week, hopefully I can hurt my foot by leaving my holepunch in the middle of the floor. Or with any luck make a mess of the carpet.I have a clean floor, but not for much longer, MWA HA HA HA!
*three minutes was an estimate, if it was any longer, feel free to write for me for a full refund at the following address;
P.O. Box 29901,
San Francisco,
CA 94129.
I have cut my finger on a razorblade too. Oh dear.
Really? You mean I'm not alone? Fantastic!
I always cut my ankles on razorblades. I'll save that story for another day
Am i literally the only person in the world thats not seen or heard of Kripy Kremes?!?!
Dan - any chance of bring a krispy kreme to drill hall?!
Loo - Oh but I want razor blade stories now! Probably. I'm not sure. I feel I could open up suicide stories if I'm not too careful.
Cheryl - Monday was the first time I heard of them. So you weren't the only person.
A Krispy Kreme trip should happen before the drill hall! Probably. Maybe not. Don't want to embaress myself again.
Bring a krispie to drill hall you must
No Yoda I won't.
I'd just end up making a messs, all down ROBERT WEBB!
You've got a hole punch in your bedroom! I haven't even got one on my desk at work! It must be like Microsoft Towers round your place. But for true hole-punch calamity, you need to open it up and let the little circular snowflakes float free.
Ah Well you see Bert, with my careful planned option of leaving it on my floor I can ensure my floor is covered in circular snowflakes!
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