Monday, February 26, 2007

I wouldn't want to be a fucking friend of me

Case in point, my friend's birthday present nicely wrapped (and customised) by yourstruely.


Chezza said...

Can i have paper like that for my birthday present

Your buying me a present right?

Mimey said...

That's the kind of crap I do.

Newspaper (preferably the free variety) works well. You can splat a bit of paint, nail varnish or blood on it for added colour and delight.

Or one time I waited til late in the party to pass my present over, and used some of the already discarded paper to crumple around my gift. The kid didn't mind! Parents weren't so thrilled.

DanProject76 said...

Is it for me?

Is it?

Ah go on. Pleeeeaase.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Chez - If you want crap paper, you shall recieve crap paper, as well as a crap present!

Jemima - I did think about using newspaper, as most students use it, (although one friend uses newspaper and gaffa tape) but I saw rolls of wrapping paper in my room!

I personally would be thrilled to have my present re-wrapped in some discarded paper, well probably not, but your story amused me!

Dan - Well it is for a dan, just not you dan.

DanProject76 said...

You have another Dan?

That is like so unfair!

Clive_Evil_C said...

There's plenty of me enough for two Dan's!

Louise said...

I use plain paper and draw on in crayon whatever picture takes my fancy.

Where've you been?

DanProject76 said...

Does a certain Ginger want an original 1970s Star Wars Annual and an Empire Strikes Back Annual? They might be worth something but they're a bit battered and I don't love it like you do!

I am keeping the K-9 Annual though.

Unknown said...

I bought the plainest Christmas paper I could find on purpose so that I could use it for birthdays. I was just gold with a faint pattern.

My brother didn't notice!

Jessie said...

... Ermm... That was me... with an "ica"

Clive_Evil_C said...

Loo - Plain paper you say? That sounds like a good idea, I'll bear that in mind.

As for where I've been, I've been relocating to a new blog after a lovely case of doosing! I'd forgotten to put a link upto to your lovely blog, I must ammend this at once!

Dan - Oh they sound lovely, this ginger would love to have them.

Jessica - I know for next christmas to do this option then. Although would spoil the naffness of the general present experience.

Jessie - ICA? Oh the Institute of Contemporary Arts! Why didn't you say?