I'm feeling sadistic today blog...
...so I'm not going to allow myself to go upstairs and poo until I've done this long MeMe that Dan did. Christ I need a poo. It feels a little runny.
Are your parents married or divorced?:
Married, they celebrated their silver recently, well a couple of years back. Wooo! Marraige! Carriage! Clock!
Are you a vegetarian?:
No. I like my meat too much, and have no conscience.
Do you believe in Heaven?:
No, gay clubs don't exist, their is no such thing as gay culture, I'm not even convinced gays even exist (Irony folks!)
Have you ever come close to dying?:
I might be if I don't do this poo soon.
What jewellery do you wear 24/7?:
I am from the ghettos so do where the bling and the bling all day and night long when out with my dawgs.
Are you eating?:
Nothing, that would just add more to shit out. Do I look like I want to do an even bigger poo than I'm already going to do.
Do you eat the stems of broccoli:
Yes, they're the best bit.
Do you wear makeup?:
Loads, I'm not seen dead out with out a bit of lippy, foundation, mascara and fake tits.
Would you ever have plastic surgery?:
I would like a seel put over my bottom to hold in my shit.
What do you wear to bed?:
Pyjamas, cos I'm cool like that.
Have you ever done anything illegal?:
Illegal downloading? Yes. Real immoral illegal? Don't be silly, I have a conscience, well a limited one.
Can you roll your tongue?:
I think so.
Do You have a boyfriend or girlfriend?:
Girlfriend? Why that's my favourite song by Avril Lavigne that I love singing a tad too much, enough for my sister's boyfriend said to me "sort it out mate"
Do you believe in Abortions?:
Well with my limited conscience I think they're morally right.
What is your Hair colour?:
Future child’s name, boy and girl?:
Whitewash for my son, and Piegon for my girl.
Do you smoke?:
Nope. Can I smoke out my poo?
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?
The Former Yougslavian Republic of Macedonia, just because I want my photo taken outside a sign for that country. Or Scunthorpe so I can put my hands around the rude word in the name.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?:
My Yoda!
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?:
I'd buy myself a museum, I dunno which one, that one that's a bit up the arse. Oh shit arse, I need a poo.
Gold or Silver?:
Blinging with the minging blud.
Hamburger or hot dog?:
Hamburger, I'd rather eat one then watch a dog pant inside a car.
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?:
I don't want to eat food now, I'm just needing a poo.
City, beach or country?:
What was the last thing you touched?:
Touching Cloth.
Where did you eat last?:
Chips from Mr.Cod (what a name) on the way back from dissapointing student night out.
When’s the last time you cried?:
Why are there always these questions, ask me when the last time I pooed, because it was two second ago in my pants. Not really.
Do you read blogs?:
I think so.
What colour are your pants?
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?:
Might be a laugh, and reminds me I have to drag up for a friend 21st birthday in November.
Ever been involved with the police?:
I might do if they make holding in poos illegal, which they should.
Oh fuck it, I can't hold it in anymore and this MeMe is really long like the type of sausage shape I might just produce, toodles.
ewww! dissssgusting!
How very disgusting.
You stole my middle names for your children names! How dare you????
You made me laugh til water spurted.
From my eyes.
LOL, really though.
Chezza - Disgusting? Nah, it's not like I've got a photo of poo accompnaying this post is it?
Dan - Very disgusting, you are more morally outraged than Chezza?
Yes I stole your middle names for your kids, deal with it!
Jemima - Now that's the desired reaction, and no mention of disgusting either.
or ROFL?
How did your poo go? I think we deserve an update.
Ant, poo update, it was nice and sloppy.
Holy shit man, I was laughing all the way through this bastard post and my littl'un thought I was laughing at her, she thought SHE was funny. That made it even funnier. Bah.
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