An introduction as to what you are about to digest
Hello there, let me assure you I'm not that much of a bastard, I'm dabbling in a thing called Irony, which I happen to tap out quite a bit on the old keyboard. This irony comes in different forms. Could be about my 'life', could be about what I likey, could be some random tripe. Whatever it is, why not have a little scroll down and digest friends!
Who's beth?! lol is she your lady friend ;)
Beth loves you, lalalalala
*giggles*clive has a girlfriend ;)
Beth and Evil Clive
Sitting in a tree
Oh the gossiping girlies are out on the Blog.
Chezza - Beth is a friend who happens to be a lady.
Jemima - Apparently, I wasn't sober enough at the time to recall anoy of this
Chezza - Like oh my god I so can't believe you just said that!
Jemima - But we're just friends!
You gossipy lot.
Based on her drawing of a star, I'd say you're better off out of it - she's clearly mentally challenged. :O)
hee hee i was only kidding :)
Ant - Oh how harsh, although drawing a star with the lines in does offend my drawing wise, even offended me back when I was seven!
Chezza - Oh you probably were, but to link my friend to a relationship with a ginger would go against her strong gingerphobic feelings.
I kid of course.
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