Saturday, April 07, 2007

Animation time! Back by popular demand, well some demand, well more requests.

That Jemima lady person requested I get off my arse and get on my arse and make another yoda animation which I made on my blog of a different address and being last year, so I'd thought I'd make one, although this one doesn't star or feature yoda, but does star some of your star wars friends!


Mimey said...

My laughter has caused a degree of alarm on the sofa. I don't understands it, but I likes it. Ta!

orange anubis said...

Poor Threepio. He deserved it, though.

Ant said...

I think he would've been a little more beaten up should that have happened. Make them more real and then we'll talk feature length movie (with lots of complaints and legal issues)

Clive_Evil_C said...

Jemima - Well it was all for you, so I expect degrees of alarm. What's not to understand, R2 kicked Threepio out of his gold cover, simple!

Bert - He did indeed, he's a nobend.

Ant - You want realism? Go rent Green Street! But if you are a big shot hollywood producer do bear me in mind in the future and shit.

Louise said...

I would also like to do that to C3PO. Does that make me a bad person?

DanProject76 said...

The part of C3PO was played by President Robert Mugabe.


Clive_Evil_C said...

Loo - It makes you worse than Hitler.

Dan - Well then Loo is perfectly justified in her hatred of C3PO.

Chezza said...


classic clive_evil_c animation avs was the one where yoda was in it!