Wednesday, April 11, 2007

I love tat and I cannot lie

You other brothers can't deny,
When you go to a pub in Leicestershire,
and see a crappy coaster,
You wanna collect six of them,
for scattering around your house.There should be more rap songs about Leicestershire.


Mimey said...

My friend who is from the fair county told me her pa taught her to spell its name with reference to the 'ice' in LeICEster.

Therefore I reckon Icey Cubey or Icey Cup of T would be ideal rappers to meet your challenge.

DanProject76 said...

I have no idea what any of that was about but I like it anyway.

Chezza said...

I love it! Can i have one

Clive_Evil_C said...

Jemima - Ice Cube you say? Sounds pefeck, I'll get his telephone number at once and hire him for my leicester rap!

Cheryl - Well you're getting one, no matter if you want one or not!