Sunday, March 18, 2007

I love Mitchell and Webb

Blame Cheryl, she told me to blog them.


Chezza said...

Why are you covering david? Is it because you know of my love for the other one?! ;)

Very good btw :D

Clive_Evil_C said...

The other one? What Robin Gibb? Yes, thats it in one answer. Very Good you say? Of course you would, you biased little fan ;)

Ant said...

Why is it an advantage that the power chords pop out? Surely this is a bad thing. And since when do you trip over the wires behind your desk. Oh dear Mitchell and Webb - you're clearly not doing your research are you. Shame.

Still, I'd lick their faces for nothing.

DanProject76 said...

Yet you did not lick them or touch the real them this evening! How did you resist?

Clive_Evil_C said...

Ant - Because Apple are picking any possible reason as to why Mac is better than PC, so pick minor design features like that, whilst ignoring the fact that Macs are only really any good for designers, and PCs for the rest. Or that Mitchell and Webb don't do their research.

Dan - I don't know, I left it to the lungers, I'm happy to make a fool of myself infront of a sign, but not infront of the real people. Plus I was a little underwhelmed after seeing the show.

newplanet said...

That Webb bloke is so smug, just because he's a Mac. It's okay, I would still very much like to kiss him on the lips. Thanks for letting me share.

[Am I right in thinking they're making a new series of Peep Show? Or did I dream it?]

Clive_Evil_C said...

You are indeed right, infact it airs the thirteenth of april!

Chezza said...

they didn't write the mac and pc ad's btw ;). they may have tinkered slightly with them but on the whole they didn't write them