Back in West Side Sussex
Olright mate. Hello, I aint blogged since Wednesday, a gap in blogging like that implies I've been so busy and had a hectic few days that I haven't found time in my probably busy schedule to blog, that or I've been dossing so much now that term has ended I've just not had anything to blog about. I got thrown (not physically) when a pizza delivery man started a conversation with me yesterday, I'm southern damm it, I'm not raised to be friendly to strangers! See what I mean from a dull trival anecdote from yesterday, it has been busy slash dossy depending on which testimonial of events you believe.
Well you might be able to deduct from the blog title that I'm no longer in that university town, I'm back sussex, near Gatwick, but not that near, otherwise I'd be hearing planes go over loads, that or we have quintriple double glazing or summat. I'm a bit bored already, I'm just waiting for Doctor Who (did you know that it's back? I'm loving the lack of publicity it's getting). I hate packing because there's always that feeling I've forgotten something, today was no different, half way down the M4 I remembered my lack of packing toilettries, I didn't realise I'm slightly posh and will say "Oh crap I've forgotten my toilettries" I didn't even know I had the word in my vocabulary! So now I've got a good excuse to grow a fuck off beard... probably.
I'm going to go put off filling in my most definetly exciting student loan form now, I've got bored of asking the cat if he wants to fill it in for me, it wasn't very amusing to start off with. Ciao.
In my (limited) experience southerners chat more freely with strangers than those of a more northerly persuasion. But the whole conversation thing is pretty new to me.
Can't you use this time off better. It's been hundreds of years since the last yodamation. C'mon, fella, I'm on holiday now: I NEED ENTERTAINMENT. I might get dangerously bored. Could you live with that?
Well Jemima I'm just going by sterotypes, who am I to against that, sterotypes are what run the world... or summat, I think I'm making an attempt at being profound.
A Yoda Animation? Oh good gravy I'd forgotten about them, maybe I'll make some kind of animation soon, just for you!
What is this 'Dok-Torrrr Oooh' you speak of?
I am well up for a new Yoda animation too. I pay my taxes for you to do these kind of things!
Dok-Torrrr Ooooh? Well it's a family programme which permits certain family memebers to talk all over frustrating other family members. Bitter me? Non!
Your taxes paid for me to get fired! ;)
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