Friday, March 02, 2007

My week in sporadic detail!

My week has been sporadically interesting, come with me now as I tell you about my week in sporadic detail. Woooo!

Sporadic interested point number one came on Sunday with a bit of Karaoke at my old halls of residence. I lit the stage (or floor) on fire with some belting tunes I churned out. Three duets! I did right said fred's I'm too sexy, as requested by a freind and was asked by a fresher if I could do a song with them. Whilst doing it, the chorus aside, I just didn't know the song, I knew the "I'm too sexy" but was it! Though I did dance my touche at the respective parts. I also did Mel C's and Brian Adams' Baby when your gone song at the request of my friend so we could sing it again, and that this time I wouldn't try and sing like Mel C (or just try and sing in a girls voice) and I also did Barbie Girl as a duet and realised I couldn't do full justice to the song when blind sober. When I say full justice, I mean full embarassing of myself. I feel at this point I must point out I can't sing.

Sporadic interest point number two came on Tuesday with some excitement in the mail.My last pay slip from that place, complete with a slight 15 pence pay rise. Bugger.

Sporadic interest point number three came on Thursday with my never too shit team names for the pub quiz we go to most Thurdays unless we get a better invite. Here are the three last team names I came up which will offer conclusive proof that I shouldn't be allowed to name a team again.

We need a killer team name, so we'll call ourselves Ian Huntley - Got a few applauses and required the quizman to say "Don't applaud that"

Britney's Buzz Cut Buzzescock - My awful attempt at trying something topical. It was met with complete silence!

If you like alot of urine coming out your penis join our club - Can you tell where I got this inspiration from? Yeah you guessed it, when pissing. Problem being my handwriting made urine looking like wine, so it was read out as "If you like a lot of... is that urine or wine? *silence* wine, if you like a lot of wine coming out your penis join our club" met with silence and me banging my head on the table telling myself off for naming our team for the third week running. Whoops!

And finally sporadic interest point number four comes from my socks.I think I should bin them.

Join me next week when I may sporadically disect my week in a similar manner, toodles!


Chezza said...

a new part time job then you ncan afford socks!

DanProject76 said...

I love pub quiz names. Our team is called the same thing every week though. We are 'Wendy With Legz Akimbo' as our leader is called Wendy and the Legz Akimbo part is an interchangable mixture of people.

This week I noticed that one of the other teams had made a real proper name sign to put on their table, like a name thing you put on tables at conferences and stuff. They had laminated it and everything! So I made one with a folded piece of paper. I don't think they noticed though.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Chez - Really? Oh fantastic, I must get one at once.

Dan - Sounds like I need to stcik with your tactic and only have one team name, can't go wrong with only one, particularly if it's just the same one everyweek. "We need a killer team, we'll call ourselves Ian Huntley" is going to be our team name every week now!

orange anubis said...

Three duets in one night! That's, like, a dream karake experience. And no-one minds whether you can actually sing or not.

Clive_Evil_C said...

A dream you say Bert? Oh it was like one... probably.

Well I believe people who can actually sing shouldn't be allowed to do karaoke. That's my philosophy. Many (well people who watch me 'sing') don't share that philosophy. I mainly try and fail to get as many laughs as possible.