Monday, April 09, 2007

Wank Holiday Monday MeMe

1. My 'ex' is still - the person who gave me a large novelty sized pencil when I was seven probably.

2. I am listening to - Mitchell and Webb, I do enjoy leaving the media player on random.

3. Maybe I should - Chuck the cat from out of my room, he just sleeps on my bed, covers in cat hair and makes me sneeze loads! I love cats, I don't want to be allergic to them, but I am.

4. I love - Cats.

6. I don't understand - myself at times.

7. I lost my respect for - Matt Lucas and David Walliams.

8. I last ate - Celebrations from a easter egg, you only got one of each, stingey, but I'm not breaking unexpected news when I say easter eggs are mostly packaging nowadays!

9. The meaning of my display name is - I am the ginger bastard because I got called a ginger bastard twice in one day (once by that Dan chap) and I settled on that.

10. Love is - that thing that all the songs are about.

11. Someday - Blooody Sunday, really captures the frustration of Sunday, you have to read the papers, wash the car and you say to yourself 'Sunday Bloody Sunday' Rough quote from Alan Partridge

12. I will always - be odd?

13. I never ever want to lose - my sense of humour.

14. When I woke up this morning - I was amazed I'd woken up quite early today, 9! doing well!

15. I get annoyed at - stuff that I can't think of at the moment, but when exposed to I get annoyed by.

16. Parties - They're alright. Never that fussed by them, having them down a corridor can be fun.

17. My pet - is a cat, which is causing me to sneeze, but insists on sleeping on my bed, and I'm too nice to take him off! Oh I think I've ranted about that already.

18. Kisses - are probably lovely if I'm not auquard about physical contact, I can barely manage hugs.

19. Today I - watched The Departed, although I'm annoyed by the fucking rat that runs accross the bottom of the closing shot! Oh I've thought of something that annoys me!

20. I wish - good health to all people reading this, and asking if I could have a promise of any organs going because, well you never know what might happen.

21. I really want - next term of uni to start again?

01. Is your hair wet? No, I'm a pikey 'straightey' and only shower ever other day if I can be bothered. "Really, straighteys only shower ever other day?" said the housemate, well a housemate.

02. Is your cell phone right by you? It's somewhere in my room.

03. Do you miss someone? No.

04. Are you tired? Not really.

05. Are you cranky? Nah, I only do cranky to myself and never inflict cranky or miserableness of myself on anyone else. I think it's called not letting it out and holding it in.

06. Are you wearing pajamas? No, it's 5:50pm, I'd have to be quite lazy to still be in Pajamas.


01. Recently done anything you regret? Nah, things I regret happen the week before and niggle away for a few weeks making me think "geez, I regret that"

02. Ever lied? At times, little white lies.

03. Ever stuck gum under a desk? Ewwwww. I tried to be cool and like gum, but I just don't, too much chewing, hurts my teeth. I pretended to myself that I liked gum for a bit, like I pretended to myself I liked Green Wing for a bit, until I admited to myself, they're just rubbash.

04. Ever kicked someone? Yes, it's called football and hacking and defending.

05. Ever tripped over your own feet? At times, when I'm clutzy.


01. Have you cursed? Probably, I do love my swearing.

02. Have you yelled at someone? Mini yell at the cat? Asking why he wants to come in my room again!

03. Have you gotten mad at someone? No.


Q: Is there a person who is on your mind right now? Nope.

Q: Do you have any siblings? One younger sister.

Q: Do you want children? At some point in my life, yes.

Q: Do you smile often? Probably.

Q: Do you wish on stars? I don't do praying.

Q: Do you untie your shoes every time you take them off? No I don't, I am a five years old.

Q: Do you like your handwriting? Not really, no one can read the numbers I write, and I think £40 might have got lost, because I paid it in via an envelope because I couldn't be bothered to queue at the bank, but I'm not entirely sure the money went into my account. Proably should check that at some point.


DanProject76 said...

Entertaining and with a moral about handwriting at the end!

What more could one ask for in a meme?

orange anubis said...

You can have one of my kidneys any time. I wouldn't bother with the liver.

Ant said...

I like Green Wing. :O(

Clive_Evil_C said...

Dan - More? I don't know, something heart breaking and life afirming or something.

Bert - I can, Oh thank you sir, I shall hold you to your word.

Ant - Oh well ummm.... good for you. I don't.

Mimey said...

see: you did do this meeem