Wednesday, February 21, 2007

I like playing with my toys


Chezza said...

wow shaun bumming a cyberman. Thast too cool

I infact still not taken my shuan out of his box yet.

DanProject76 said...

I don't understand it....

..... but i love it.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Cheryl - Too cool? It's to perverted!

You should take it out of the box just to play with it!

Dan - What's not to understand? I can't use my camera properly so have taken five quite blurry photos to prove this with added captions.

Mimey said...

Dis be genius!

you may have inspired me a bit

Clive_Evil_C said...

Genius? Oh Jemima you do flatter too much at times. But ego boosting is welcomed.

Inspired you a bit? I think it was one of your old blog posts that inspired this concution of a blog post.

Jessie said...

Wow. That was... Scary.

I want a Shaun doll though!

*runs to the shop*

Clive_Evil_C said...

Scary Jessie? Yes it was scarily out of focus, you have a point there.

Yes buy a Shaun of the Dead dolly at once. Although I believe they are called action figures.