Wednesday, February 07, 2007

To prevent future doocing...

...I shall pay attention to this peice of Futurama merchandise that has sat on my desk for a few weeks now.Whoops I'm back blogging!


orange anubis said...

Hooray for mindlessness! And happiness! And doing your job!

Forgive me while I personally congratulate myself, being the first person to comment on a new blog is am exciting milestone! Good luck... whoever you are?!

Mimey said...

Well, that hiatus was plenty long enough: don't do it again!

Second person to comment is important too, isn't it?

If ignorance is bliss, then wipe the smile off my face, as Rage Against The machine once shouted. I think I may be contradicting Bert here.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Bert - Yes mindlessness and doing job! It's what I've learnt.

It is an exciting milestone probably, whoever you are too. ;)

Jemima - A tortorous four days! Quite small by my standards. I couldn't resist starting again.

All comments are important, at least to me.

Rage against machines? Yes I should rage against my laptop for getting my job fired.

DanProject76 said...

Welcome home, son!

I shall make sure you behave or you will be sent to your room without any tea.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Thanks Dan, with my blog father keeping an eye on me I shall behave!

newplanet said...

What would you like as a blogwarming gift?

Chezza said...

yayyyy your back. I will add you back to my links etc :D I love the new name
Chez x x x

Clive_Evil_C said...

Newplanet - I'd love one, thanks for offering, a nice pot plant or something.

Cheryl - Yay! and yay for the love of bastardising.

Chezza said...

bastardising - i will have to nuse that word more :D

Clive_Evil_C said...

Yes Cheryl, please do!

DanProject76 said...

I have just seen puppets have sex!

Clive_Evil_C said...

You have Dan? I have a good mind to alert the Daily Mail. Scandolous!