Hooray for mindlessness! And happiness! And doing your job!
Forgive me while I personally congratulate myself, being the first person to comment on a new blog is am exciting milestone! Good luck... whoever you are?!
An introduction as to what you are about to digest
Hello there, let me assure you I'm not that much of a bastard, I'm dabbling in a thing called Irony, which I happen to tap out quite a bit on the old keyboard. This irony comes in different forms. Could be about my 'life', could be about what I likey, could be some random tripe. Whatever it is, why not have a little scroll down and digest friends!
Hooray for mindlessness! And happiness! And doing your job!
Forgive me while I personally congratulate myself, being the first person to comment on a new blog is am exciting milestone! Good luck... whoever you are?!
Well, that hiatus was plenty long enough: don't do it again!
Second person to comment is important too, isn't it?
If ignorance is bliss, then wipe the smile off my face, as Rage Against The machine once shouted. I think I may be contradicting Bert here.
Bert - Yes mindlessness and doing job! It's what I've learnt.
It is an exciting milestone probably, whoever you are too. ;)
Jemima - A tortorous four days! Quite small by my standards. I couldn't resist starting again.
All comments are important, at least to me.
Rage against machines? Yes I should rage against my laptop for getting my job fired.
Welcome home, son!
I shall make sure you behave or you will be sent to your room without any tea.
Thanks Dan, with my blog father keeping an eye on me I shall behave!
What would you like as a blogwarming gift?
yayyyy your back. I will add you back to my links etc :D I love the new name
Chez x x x
Newplanet - I'd love one, thanks for offering, a nice pot plant or something.
Cheryl - Yay! and yay for the love of bastardising.
bastardising - i will have to nuse that word more :D
Yes Cheryl, please do!
I have just seen puppets have sex!
You have Dan? I have a good mind to alert the Daily Mail. Scandolous!
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