Tuesday, May 29, 2007

And now a public service announcement from That Ginger Bastard

Hello friends, picture the scene, I was sat down on my bed (well more lying) watching my favourite channel 4 show that broadcasts between the times of 6:30 PM and 7:00 PM. Hollyoaks. Sure it's not very good, horribly written, acted, shot, generally quite horrible, but some of the times it's so horrible it's almost genius! It gives me a good giggles at times. Here I was watching a great scene between Justin (played by an 'actor' with the unfortunate fame of having fountain as his surname) arguing with his new bint (who, whilst quite pleasent on the eyes, acting wise is just quite unpleasent on the eyes) when my TV fucked up. Everything has gone green!Todays warning is that Hollyoaks breaks TVs. R.I.P. TV, we've had a lot of great memories. Now if you don't mind I'm going to have a little cry.


Chezza said...

where would you like the tv's ashes spread? Hollyoaks studio or sumink or nuffin;?!

DanProject76 said...

Hollyoaks Non-Specific Northern Accent Fembot broke your Tee Vee!

Burn the witch.

Ant said...

I think you're better off with the green - at least it could never disappoint - and peep show is over now so there really is no reason to have a tv. Go buy a book - visit Dan - he has books.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Cheryl -Ashes? But my TV might resurrect itself. But if I doesn't I suppose getting it cremated would be a good way to remember it.

Dan - Damm you! That's why she annoys the fuck out of me, it's the non-specific accent. Burn her indeed for frustrating me son.

Ant - A book? Do books come in green?

Chezza said...

books come in a variety of colours and get this...some have pictures :o

DanProject76 said...

Isn't it Calamitous Accident Time in Hollyoaks yet? It's been a while since the last one and Non-Specific Northern Accent Fembot seems like a popular choice.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Chezza - Oh picture books, now I love them!

Dan - But I think she's now in the main titles the fembot, they wouldn't kill off someone who's in the main titles, that would be crazy!

DanProject76 said...

But didn't they only create the current titles because everyone in the old was was quite literally dead?