Monday, May 14, 2007

This afternoon I have been mostly revising,

And by revising I mean taking part in a house BB gun knocking cans over competition, which came after the posing with the BB guns, and after the shoot the ginge in the arse competition had ended (admitedly I agreed to being shot in the arse, but that's not the point, not that I know what point I'm making). What a wasted afternoon.


Chezza said...

Aren't they dangerous?

orange anubis said...

That picture is really disturbing! And slightly arousing.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Chezza - Only in the wrong hands, fortuantly one of housemates is currently being Navy trained, so he'd look out for me (I'd hope).

Bert - Happy to arouse and disturb, That Ginger Bastard's Blog of Bastardry is a promise to disturb and arouse you.

Ant said...

How's the arse now?

Clive_Evil_C said...

It's fine Ant, thanks for asking, it only stings for a couple of minutes, then is all good. Although I wouldn't allow my housemate to shoot my arse the night before my exam, just incase it hurt a bit too much.