The MeMe Dan did yesterday was awful, this one I did on facebook last night was better, I can't be arsed to do an original blog post today, so I'm just gonna copy and paste what I wrote at about 0:33 in the morning. Enjoy!
1. You and Jesus go out to dinner - who pays?
Jesus wouldn't make a student pay, we'd both do a runner.
2. You suddenly have to flee the country and adopt a new name..what would it be?
Whitewash has always struck as a good man's name, so it would definetly be Whitewash for my firstname, as for surname, probably something cool like Kenobi.
Whitewash Kenobi. I like it.
3. Pick one state in the U.S. to get rid of permanently?
I dunno, they're all great and not great in equal bunches, I can't pick a favourite, or not favourite. I'm very niave of america's existance.
4. You wake up as the opposite gender. What's the one thing you wanna do?
Go into a man's toilets and try and piss in an urinal.
5. Luke Skywalker or Han Solo?
If I was younger I'd go with Luke, but I wanna choose Han. Although he become a bit of a pansy by return of the Jedi.
"Can't I be Han?" Mike
"Nooooo" Tim
Spaced quote inserted for whoever care's pleasure.
6. Toy you always wanted but never got as a child?
A real tracy Island, one that had buttons that talked and wasn't one made by my Dad from blue peter. Of course I wasn't an arrogant shite and told my Dad I'd prefer a real one. Would hurt his feelings.
7. If you were this question, what would you ask?
Why have you wasted a day in crucial exam week doing very little revision?
8.The last time you laughed until your stomach hurt:
Might of been a Mitchell and Webb sketch I saw being recorded last month, probably the one which said the staff of Tk Maxx were robots.
9. What is the last movie you saw that actually scared you?
Spiderman 3, Scared me how much of a fuck up it was as a film.
10. Stupidest thing you've ever said out loud?
I don't know, this sort of implies I've said intelligent things out loud, which is a bald face lie.
11. You're sentenced to death and it’s the morning of your execution: what do you want to eat?
Myself, if I'm going to be executed, I might as well have a taste of me, waste not, want not and all.
12. What's something that most people do that you've never done?
Had a sensible conversation?
13. Before you die you want to go to...?
A hospital ideally, to see if they can stop me dying, would be a shame for me to die before I reach my goal of hosting ITV1's Quiz Call.
14. What’s the last thing you ate?
A Mars bar.
15. A wild animal you'd like to have as a pet?
Elephant. We'd sleep together, he'd shove his trunk up my arse.
16. A drug you'll never try?
Any. The drugs don't work said my friend who bizzarely refered to himself as the verve.
17. If you were an animal, what would you be?
A piegon, so I can leave excrement everywhere.
18. If you had to marry someone you knew at the age of 12, who would it have been?
Han Solo.
19. What's something a lot of people don't know about you?
I'm actually straight.
20. First celebrity crush?
Noel Edmunds.
21. What's a weapon to suit your personality, habits and abilities?
Fuck knows. I don't understand the question and am sleepy. I'm gonna go with crossbow.
22. Best flavor of runts?
Branston Pickle.
23. Favorite breakfast bread style (pancakes, waffles, toast etc...)
Toast. A toast, to toast!
24. Favorite movie?
Other than Star Wars, I'd say 24 Hour Party People.
25. Worst way to die?
Being shot in the arse.
26. Grossest injury you've ever seen?
The marks on my arse from Dan (Not the Project76 heart throb folks!) shooting me with his BB Gun.
27. The worst health thing you've ever had?
Being born?
28. Favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
That it means american shows will do specials about them, and I'll be completly confused.
29. Sport you hate the most?
30. What state in the US do you want to visit?
The one George Lucas' Porn Dungeon is at. San Francisco. Is that California?
31. What's something you think would be sweet to know everything about?
Star Wars.
32. Favorite Actor/Actress?
Steve Coogan. I feel the need to see everything on the man's C.V., no matter how debatable they are in quality.
33. What's one phrase you absolutely detest?
What can you get a wookie for christmas when he already owns a comb?
34. What makes an awesome party?
Low expectations, the parties I've enjoyed the most are the ones I've had the lowest expectations for.
35. What's your favorite material posession?
My Stapler, always there when I want to staple my foot.
36. What's something that most consider an insult but you enjoy having said about you?
37. Favorite kind of dog(s)?
I prefer cats, because I'm woosy like that.
38. Favorite carnival food?
What is carnival?
39. Morning or night person?
41. Weirdest Ebay purchase?
I've made boring purchases off ebay, just paying rip off prices for Steve Coogan posters. 24 Hour Party People poster set me back over 8 quid.
I still want to buy the Spaced soundtrack off there, but refuse to pay over £15 for it, most people on there pay over. Wankers.
43. Its Saturday at 3am. Where are you?
Probably in bed, I am lame and mostly go to bed before 2 AM.
44. Who's your favorite friend/friends to go out with?
Everyone's lovely and I'd very much like to get out more.
45. Worst job you've ever had?
That job at the chav rag shit of a store, who fired me because I blogged about how much I hated working at the place.
Obviously there.
46. What's something your friends make fun of you for?
Where to begin?
Hair colour, degree, my general existence.
47. Favorite cereal?