Three is the related number to this particular blog post and possibly magic
Dan tagged me, well I think he did, I think he referes to me as one of his comedy children, even though I'm like almost mature. Bollocks. Talking of bollocks, here's the MeMe.
Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Phone calls.
2. Social interaction and making conversation with people I don't know that well.
3. My lazyness and how it will fuck up my life.
Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Them bloggers I read make me laugh
2. My friend's make me laugh
3. My comedy likes make me laugh
Three Things I Love:
1. Comedy
2. Company
3. Cheesey Music.
Three Things I Hate:
1. Arogance
2. People obsessed with themselves.
3. People who can't/won't do small talk. Come on! I struggle with conversation, help me out and end this auquard silence. Is that too much to ask?
Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Dan briefly mentioned the new 2012 London Olympics logo and not understanding it, I'm gonna take this blog a moment to crowbar in my alternative version of it.That's what London means to me!
2. The appeal of Graham Norton or Will and Grace. I live with housemates who love these respective shows, I can't understand them, they're just tired cliches. The shows, not the housemates.
3. Lady stuff. I got asked by some lady friends the other day if they could 'ghd' my hair. It apparently straightens hair, but my hair is already natuarlly straight!
Three Things On My Desk:
1. A lot of free promtional tat that I've stolen from various sources recently.
2. DVDs!
3. My bank statement, should probably file that away.
Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Playing around on facebook with all their new applications stuff. Making facebook more fun and more like MySpace, without being horrible clunky shit like MySpace.
2. Wondering why I'm really struggling filling in this MeMe, when at times I've really just found it piss easy to think of what to write. I think I've lost my MeMe-edge. I started doing the one Jemima did, and then killed myself out of bordem of filling it in.
3. I'm wondering how I resurrected myself from the killing of oneself I did at point number two.
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. Get a spouse?
2. Grow a large fuck off beard.
3. Watch all the star wars films back to back in one day.
Three Things I Can Do:
1. Design, it would seem I can design and am fitting of my degree. I don't adam and eve it.
2. Be Busy and also be lazy!
3. Get by on nervous energy.
Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Be popular
2. 'Pull'
3. Be Normal.
Three things you should listen to:
1. Scooch's 'We're flying the Flag'
2. Avril Lavigne's 'Girlfriend'
3. Natasha Bedingfield's 'I wanna have your babies'
That's my top 3 favourite cheesey crappy recet songs playlist. Enjoy! Or Endure.
Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Kiss 100, Ugh!
2. The BBC Local radio stations, going by southern counties radio, they're just dull.
3. You shouldn't listen in on people's conversations on the train, no matter how much your mind wanders. It's just stalkerish.
Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. Confidence
2. Assertiveness
3. To know what love is, I want you to show me.
Three Favorite Foods:
1. Chips with salt.
2. Cheesey Chips.
3. Chips with Ketchup.
Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Thunderbirds.
2. Postman Pat
3. Noel's House Party.
Three Things I Regret:
1. Making no attempt to keep/make friends with people from School.
2. Doing A Level Maths. I just wasn't good at it!
3. Faking my outgoingness a bit too much at times.
Chips, chips and chips. Ha. Good answer.
All THREE (3) Star Wars films back to back sounds like my kind of day. Remember, though, there are ONLY THREE STAR WARS FILMS.
You will pull when the time's right.
Fuck off beard may help with the pulling, especially if you're after a squirrel enthusiast.
My word veri is the noise of violent sickmaking.
That is all.
People from school weren;t worth the friends effort anyway: Fact!
Noel's House Party as a child? That explains a lot!
Jemima - Oh can't there be 4 Star Wars films? Revenge of the Sith is quite good! Please, for me.
So you're saying I should become a squirrel enthusiast, well that sounds quite dull, but try I shall!
Dan - Fact? Well you should know, you are both wise and nobel.
Explains why I appreciate the music of Mr.Blobby. Yes indeed.
A level maths eh? I was daft enough to do French!
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