Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Frozen object of the week!

Yes, it's everyone's favourtie regular blog post on the more strawberry blond bastard's blog of bastardry, frozen object of the week. Remember last week when I showed you my frozen turd, well this week I've found something even better, a frozen can of strongbow. This is so exciting that I at once took it outside to the garden and dropped it on the patio to hear the satisfyingly amusing 'fud' that met me when I dropped it on concrete.Some scientists think the freezing process has made the cidery goodness make the foam slightly dent the top of the can all by itself. Historians are looking at the cause for the great freezing of the strongbow can, could it all be explained through the key word, student? Who knows, I'm neither a scientist nor historian.


Mimey said...

Speaking as a scientist AND a historian (I teach both subjects don't I?) I'd say it was the work of witchcraft, get your kitchen exorcised, says I!

Clive_Evil_C said...

Exorcism you say? Well you should know, I trust as well as being a scientist and historian you teach the kids about exorcism, well I'd greatly appreciate some lessons on exocism please! Or I could wikkipedia it up large.

Chezza said...

what a waste of a goo alcoholic beverage