Friday, June 08, 2007

Karate Report

Last night I went along to Reading University (Don't call it that, it's not it's name, it's the University of Reading!) Bar Quiz and Karate session. We did alright in the quiz, we got full marks on the music round which was all girl groups, being a big fan of them Sugababes and them All Saints (can you believe that some of my later karate sparring partners didn't realise All Saint's had done a cover of Lady Marmalade, they ruddy did you know!) I was able to provide a significant enough contribution which gave us a decent enough score for our team 'You know where you are with a cock'.

But you don't care about that, you want to know about the karate. Well I foolishly said to someone in possesion of the karate book that I wanted to do a Karate duet of Barbie Girl. Then I was put down also for a mystery karate duet with another sparring partner. The Barbie Karate duet never materialised, but as a closing to the karate evening I did the mystery duet with another sparring partner. Turned out to be Oasis and Champagne Supernova, a song I quite like, but I'm only comfortable doing karate when I'm making a tit of myself. I tried to throw a few swear words into the karate battle for my own amusement, but just felt silly, and ended up holding the karate microphone a decent enough distance away from my mouth, so that my fellow karate battler could hold a tune loud enough to go over mine. But that's the thing about karate, there are different options.I may have changed the word Karaoke to Karate for no apparent reason.

Karaoke Fact of the day! Dojo kun is a set of guidelines for karaoker's to follow both in the dojo(a room in which karaoke is taught) and out of the dojo, in a karaoker's everyday life.


Mimey said...

karate, the empty hand, karaoke, the empty orchestra. my childhood was far too full of watching the one, and my current foray into adulthood is not nearly full enough of indulging in the other.

only problem is, after reading this I'm not sure which is which.

Chezza said...


i thought for a slight second you found yourself taking part in karate then i snoticed you appeared to be singing cheese then read the bottom bit about you changing the word

Clive_Evil_C said...

Jemima - Karaoke is the one where you have to wear the pretty trim white suit.

Cheryl - That was all in my plan, to confuse you for no apparent reason. Mwa-Ha-Ha-Ha.