It's calling you a tart!
Oh noes, it's got your name wrong and called you Tom!
Just some of the wonderful gags you can have with condiments when you're next eating out with friends, try it for yourself, and see how quickly your friends disown you, because you're making them laugh so hard they forget to laugh.
Next week I'll give you my world famous fortune teller gag, for when you're eating out with friends, get the bill and make a fortune teller from the receipt.
Well that's a bit freakish, blogboy, there's me just going for a spot of a sound-a-like, throwaway condiment humour, and there's you with a picture too. Good. Thank you. I like it.
Hope you don't get asSAuLTed by intolerant gingerphobes who don't appreciate you PEPPERing your conversation with reSAUCEful humour like this. You MAY[onaisse] find it hard to be accepted.
In fact, is ginger a condiment, or am I stretching this a bit too far?
lol i heart this blog!
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