Friday, March 21, 2008

Thoughts on a word: Mate

You know what, I've never really understood under what situations one uses the word mate? I thought I understood, but I'm not so sure I do.

At school people would say 'Alright mate', well okay when they'd say alright, it was more of a bear grown; 'Allllroight'. And for years I'd say something along the lines of 'Yes thanks, how are you', but then it dawned on me, maybe the man doesn't respond in this manner, and some how I twigged that maybe I was supposed to say 'Allllroight' in return, so I'd do that instead. But now I'm now not so sure that is correct format and now I just say 'Hey'. When a man says 'Allllroight' is he asking how I am? or is he just saying 'Hello there casual acquittance, I like you, even if I don't really know you that well, but as a casual acquittance, you're alright you are'. I'm not so sure about the latter as I'm sure cunts that didn't like me would be asking as to my well being. It's a mind field, and if anyone out there has cracked the Allllroight code, please help me, please!

As for the word Mate, I've never understood how one uses this word? Is everyone a mate? Since coming to university, I act far more common then I probably really am, but in due consideration of some of the middle class people I've met since being at university, I'm not really that middle class, and probably am a little bit common, I in some situations, call strangers mate. Thank you for the bus ride, 'Cheers mate'. Casual Acquaintances? Mate! Friends? Mate. But should I not be calling them by their name instead? Am I under some delusional belief that I want to fit in with people who read the sun, because the last time I read the sun I couldn't contain my giggles after reading that Robbie Williams had seen 3 UFOs and believed in aliens. Who even writes articles like this? Morons or Mormons?

So gentle readers if you can help me in my 'Allllroight Mate' and 'Mate' debacles, yor assistance would be greatly received with thanks.


DanProject76 said...

Everyone is "Mate" unless
A) You hate them.
B) They have been upgraded to "blud".
C) They are your mum.

Ant said...

I have, and never will, use the word mate. Except for just there. It just doesn't sound right coming from my lips. I sound like I'm trying to fit in when I clearly don't - like using Bonjour when speaking to a French person who's fluent in English.