Thursday, October 25, 2007

You'll love these right characters

Coming to a major televisual network sometime whenever.

Enjoy them in their full size and learn their names here, because I'm far too lazy to put them on two places.


Anonymous said...

Y'know, now they're all together like that, they kinda look ok. And not so cone-like. Weird, that! And I warn others reading that the family may possibly be extended next week...

Another novella topic, methinks?!

Ant said...

Does one of them get used in some depraved sexual act to hilarious consequence? With the "wah wah wahhhhh" sound effect. Classic.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Vaddix - Novella? Oh no, it'll be an illustrated story of wonder for sure.

Ant - Well I was aiming the cones to kids, but then I remembered ones quite slutty so I shall fit in your depraved sexual act into one of the tales at some point maybe.