Saturday, September 01, 2007

New Novella time

I'm taking a break from writing my hit novella ginger pubes to concentrate on my new Novella entitled 'Graham Cook rewalks Britain'. Here's the first chapter.

Chapter One. Insanity.

Since getting a car Graham Cook just didn't walk anymore, which was a shame as during his time as a walker, he walked through some terrific locales, walking pass some terrific flea riden piss soaked people on the streets. But the posession (not ownership, he possesed the motormobile) of a car had stopped the walking, driving to the postbox down the road deprived him the joy of making trainer contact with cobbles (Or stilettos when on weekends). Cobble deprivation you may call it. A desease yet to be full recognised by the labour government. Going slightly insane, with his legs very much taking control of his brain, Graham Cook torched his car, well let someone else do it, well wanted to let someone else do it. This was going to tbe easier said than done. Graham left his car abondoned on the motorway hoping that would encourage someone to torch it. No such luck. He tried painting on the car 'Torch me' but he ended up just getting DVD copies of Torchwood left on the car left by overly critical Doctor Who fans who just didn't quite appreciate watching wanking and aliens in the same show. To hell with it thought Graham, and having listened to the Prodigy's hit ballad Firestarter, he was pent up with enough enthusiasm and loaded with tips on how to be a fire starter that he could do the job himself and start a fire. And also he could burn the Torchwood DVDs whilst he was at it, bit too welsh for this in the closet welsh man's tastes. With the DVDs burnt and also the car, as well as putting a message to Russel T Davis and increasing his carbon footprint, his legs could now get their full useage, he could walk to places. And what better places to walk than places you used to walk before you had a car. Watch out pedistrians and foul members of the public who hurl abuse at walkers by, Graham Cook would be rewalking back past you. Graham Cook would be rewalking Britain.


Chezza said...

I think i want to lunge Graham Cook

Nice useage of Prodigy as well *finds it on myspace and listens to it for a bit to get the feel for the Novella*

Will you be doing more of that hit novella Ginger Pubes?!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you could incorporate the two?

Either that, or stick to the day job!

Mimey said...

a clever indictment of the armageddon of absurd our car hungry society is sure to bring into life. Graeme Cooke would be proud of you. If only you hadn't made him up!!!

Ant said...

I like it - but I prefer Ginger Pubes. Unless, in a delightful twist, Graeme turns out to be a car.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Chezza - Dirty Chezza. More Ginger Pubes? fuck if I know. I write crap when the crap splats my brain.

Vaddix - Day Job? I have a day job? News to me.

Mimey - There's a little bit of Graham Cook inside of us all, so in part I'd like to think he's real.

Ant - Ah now you're trying to make me think of a neat twist to top the disturbing details of ginger pubes, but I shall meet your challenege, in this life or the next.