Friday, November 23, 2007

Student D.I.Y.

I am a student on a bitching coursework heavy based degree, and after a day of heavy coursework bitching I decided to relax and do as many of my forefathers have done, and do the do it yourself. I decided I needed to fix my chest of drawers drawer as the handle snapped off and the general drawer was out of shape. Never fear super glue brought for Warhammer purposes (not mine I must stress) did the job for the fixing the handle, even if I decided also to give my pinky a gluey glow. Alas I had no hammers to put the drawer back into shape, but I had text books read at 6:30 AM for a presentation the same day! Swish!

Next was to fix my bedroom door handle, which as you can see I fixed with an elegant solution.Masking tape with swear words on. Well there was no screwdriver to be found sadly in the house.

Now who wants me to come round their house and practise my student D.I.Y. ways on your house? My rates are cheap, I am a student.


Chezza said...

lol you doing DIY

thats making me LOL lots :D. Btw where can i purchase the swear words masking tape?

Mimey said...

You couldn't make a worse mess of this place than I am. I'll give you a fiver to fix it up :-D

I think swear words masking tape would make an excellent christmas gift for thos pesky elderly relatives who THOUGHT they had everything already.

Chezza said...

yes i couldn't agree more :)

Clive_Evil_C said...

Chezza - The thought of me doing DIY makes you wet yourself?!?! I dunno if I should be offended. Well probably not as the thought of me doing DIY amused myself too. I shall send you some swearing masking tape in the post at once.

Mimey - A fiver? But it would cost me more to travel to the Birmingham. Do you think I should market myself a prototype of swearing masking tape? Hmmm... a stocking filler many would enjoy.

Chezza - Delightful.

Anonymous said...

and you could target it to meet the needs of your many audiences:

The tape for elderly types could just say 'blast' and 'botheration', while the tape for young hip types would be all, well, I don't know as I'm not young n hip meself. What do the hepcats on the street explete when they bang their shins?

You could have a kids' tape with 'weewee', 'winky' and 'knickers'.

and a foreign version with 'hijo da puta' and 'merde' on.

I like thinking about swearing.

Clive_Evil_C said...

Mimey! Cashback! You can be my business advisor, and my swearing advisor, thank you.