Friday, November 09, 2007

Ruddy Coursework

Bloody coursework on my pretty much mostly coursework degree is just getting me down, and forunatly my MacBook's built in camera is there to capture this feeling of Meh. It's also there to capture my new muscle.Look at that muscle (singular).


Ant said...

What a lovely muscle. Does it have a name?

DanProject76 said...

That Ginger Beefcake. Hmmm...

Clive_Evil_C said...

Ant - A name for my muscle? Well I'm open to suggestions, maybe I'll call it Squidgy or summat.

Dan - Just for you I'll change the name of my blog to that.

Chezza said...

lol do your coursework

Mimey said...

Cheer up moanie: IT'S THE BEST DAYS OF YOUR LIFE!!!

Clive_Evil_C said...

The best days of my wife? you mean my wife will decrease in value? Oh noes!