Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Last few days...

...I got Anthony Cotton of homosexuality fame's autograph, felt a 9 in the evening itch to skip the street of Reading at night (but coming to my senses and deciding I don't want to get beaten up), got an email from a senior professor of Computational sciences entitled Fw: Urgent sexy pictures! and voted for Same Difference on X Factor (making it the first time I've ever felt like phoning in for that lovely show). I also got a strong sense of remorse after finding out my favourite quiz machine with the Pepsi Chart game presented by Neil Fox is broken due to a broken screen, making me deeply regretful for slapping Neil Foxy everytime he appeared on the machine welcoming us to the game. FORGIVE ME NEIL FOX. Like oh my days! I hope the triviality of my days has been of vague interest.

Oh and I changed the banner on this here blog, if that's what you're into. That's a queue for a song!


Ant said...

I love that song and am waiting for Same Difference to make out on stage. It's gonna happen.

Chezza said...

Same Difference. I thought they had already gone...actually i have no idea who is left

Chezza said...

btw i watched the hippopotumus song the other day. I rather enjoyed it