Quit blogging ginger shit and do a MeMe
Alllriiiggghhhht. Here goes. Stolen from Dan. It's Mittwoch MeMe, everyone's favourite time of the week. Or time of the month. Periods.
My favourite chocolate bar is... Mars or Twix, or KitKat, or Club (if you like alot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club) or Breakaway. Any of those. Oh and those Maltessars that come in Celebrations, they're great. But are they a bar?
If I could I wish I could... bring back hanging for treason? I don't know really what I'd wish for. Maybe for someone to take away all the technology in my room so I'd be forced to leave the house, but that wouldn't really be a wish, more a blessing in disguise (more than meets the eye).
My ideal night out would be... being back at uni and doing the Quiz and Karaoke with some good friends. Very rarely the karaoke with the good friends, mostly the karaoke with myself on the stage lighting it up.
If I was a character in Hollyoaks, the producers would probably make me be... have a girlfriend, as if I'm capeable of doing that. You are silly Hollyoaks producers. That or they'd make me black.
My favourite Krispy Kreme is... not the one I had once when I ate it from one hand and the jam ended up oozing down the opposite sleeve. The one I had at Gatwick was nice when I got a nice handfull of change.
The place I want to visit most is... the marketing hot bods behind when is a good deal on car insurance not a good deal on car insurance? and riff and point out really obvious stuff like when you're insuring a wagon.
If I really love you, I will... proclaim my love for all the blogosphere to hear.
My ideal meal would be... a burger with chips, because I lack imagination and there's something nice about a bit of beef (or chicken) sandwhiched in a bun with some optional extras.
I fantasise about... a big tree who would knock on my window and talk to me about Wimbledon, he'd tell me about his proposed move to Croydon and I'd talk him out of it. For a start the Forbidden Planet from my recollection of a few years back is a bit of a mess unless they've done it up. I'd recommend to the tree to visit Croydon on the off chance the Forbidden Planet in Croydon is less of a tip.
I think that if I had a mutant power, I would probably end up with... the ability to be less socially inept in conversations. Or less fearful and puzzled by strangers who start having conversations with me because I'm sat down on a county park bench on my own. Delightful Chap. I think he wanted to walk with me.
My favourite cocktail is... I dunno, I had a couple of pitchers of cocktail at Wetherspoons this one time, it didn't make me that pissed, I don't know why.
If I dislike someone, I will... maintain pleasentries, because pleasentries are more bearable than conflictries.
I prefer to drink... Urine to trying tea or coffee.
I was happiest in "social" terms at... the age when I wasn't aware of social terms, when I was young and happy hanging around outside in my close.
I am impressed most by... the strange ability me and my friend have of just having baffling strange MSN conversations that steer to somewhere odd, we are currently talking about stalin talking to nazis in an irish accent and him telling them they cant win and me cheering while he rubs my shoulders. How does one even begin to explain how this conversation started?
I cannot eat... food that is Chinese or Thai, because that would mean I'd have to make the effort to try it and it just don't appeal to me.
I worry most about... my own inadequacies when I really should not give a toss and go with the flow.
I have stayed with my job for more than 5 years because... I have? my current job is only a month in, and will be a month till I'm out, it's just some temp filler work.
The customer I dislike the most is... Oh let's not go there shall we?
I will cry at... I dunno, I'd like to say emotinal telly, but I couldn't shed a tear when Billy died in Battlestar Galatica. Why Billy? Whhhhhhy!I maybe a bit behind with this teevee thing show. Have I spoilt the death of a minor character? I hope not.
If I had £50 to blow, I would... blow it on DVDs, toys and other wank I don't really need. I wouldn't blow it on a wank, they're free.
To get out of doing PE at school, I have... pretended I'd forgotten my kit when in actual fact I was far to organise to do that, and I'd have it in my bag, but I'd tell them I didn't. It worked most of the time. Although I got a lousy school report for P.E. Shame.
My biggest regret is... not making the effort.
I would like to... tell you about my new title as fascist dictatorship shoulder festish bitch.
I would rather be friends with someone who is... a bit unsure of themselves rather than an arogant cock.
The most disgusting toilet I have ever been to is... this one.I found it on facebook, it is an actual photo of one of the digusting toilets I have ever seen. Why this is on facebook? I don't know.
If someone tells me something (that isn't illegal or a health risk) in confidence, I will... want to tell someone.
I am upset about someone/something, I will... keep it trapped indoors.
This MeMe looked alot longer than I thought.
1 comment:
Was the cocktail you tried preceded by the words 'non' and 'alcoholic'. If so, I have a theory about your lack of pissedness.
I reckon you'd be more socially comfortable and attractive to the chicks (not that you're not already - what girl doesn't go for star wars animations? - I know I do) if you gorged yourself on green curry and chow mein.
There should be a great bloggers' karaoke festival sometime, you know! You haven't lived until you've cheered Bert's karaoke dance ;-0
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