I'll learn when I'm ready
I'm nearly twentyteen, and I don't know how to tie a tie. I went to a school where I dressed as a smurf (not literally, but you can pretend literally if you want), I didn't have to wear a tie for school. I've been to a couple of weddings, parents tied tie for me then, recent formal events, I've gone to friends in a 'I don't know how' state. Fortunatly my Dad tied a tie for me, so I'll have a ready made tie for work tomorrow. How I'll cope with doing a tie next for work when the parents are away next week I don't know. Maybe I need this site. Thank you for listening to my woes. Now feel free to laugh at me or give me lashings of sympathy.
Fuck off a minute. Whaddya mean work??? Tell auntyblog ALL about it.
The University of Reading is paying for a man to do science fun in primary schools. I love the university of reading. unless the man turns out to be a perv, or having a man in makes MORE work for me and not less. hurray for the university of reading. have they taught you to read yet?
tieing a tie....will i make you feel bad that me being a girl knows how to do a tie? :D After wearing one for 5 years i ended up learning the trick of the trade, once you got the tie on, gently loosen it so you can pull it off round your head then don;t unravel it. Leave it as it is then the next day slip it over your head then tighten it up
Freaky child!!!
So... what IS this mysterious job?
Or are you stringing us along?
Aunty Blog. I'm looking forward to learning about reading soon, I hope that will happen soon. As for work. I is working at Gatwick, doing casual work at weekends and evenings. Handing tickets out, meeting people at arrivals, generally airporty stuff. I have no opinions of my work, because opinions of your workplace on a blog is bad.
Chezza - Doesn't make me feel bad, I know several people who can tie ties, I'm sure most people I know can do them. Regardless of gender. But your suggestion is what I have done. Thezza.
Dan - Freaky? Oh you can fuck off hurting my feelings like that.
Mysterious job? Well scroll up to what I told Jemima. No stringing along, I is earning money.
I went to a school where I had to wear a tie - and a cap - and a blazer. I looked like a c*nt. Though I do remember you could get ones with elastic.
even better at my work you get ties that clip onto your shirt :D
I like the name thezza :D
I am glad you are paying for your own student booze ans Star Wars tat now. I am so proud of you!
I worked in a resturaunt where I had to wear ties and I tie my boyfriend's all the time. Try this video, it shows you how to tie a tie in the three most common knots and how to tie a bow tie. Hope it can help you get some variety in your ties instead of slipping the same one on everyday.
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