Sunday, January 27, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
This week I've...
...made to think I'm a horrible person for steeling a pink balloon from a children's party, apparently 'I'm not a child', shit that hurts. I've realised not to select Kim Wilde's Kids in America on those dance machine things, unless I want to lose my legs. I convinced a friend that the reason Amy Whinehouse is in rehab (oh no, no, no) was that she was addicted to calpol. I got confused when our quiz team put down 380 as the answer to the question I thought was how many games does a championship team play in a season "wot they play 2 games in 1 day?", turns out the question was how many games are played in a championship season. I've realised that I'm just not competitive in the slightest, failing to give a shit that I was coming last in some playstation games. I was on a peaceful protest against the violence of some fox beating the crap out of a polar bear. I thought about making some games for uncompetitive people, stuff like tea party the video game where you have to pass over all manners of foods to your companion and have a nice virtual conversation, sounds fun. Life is too short to be competitive at video games, at least I'm reliably informed life is too short, but this month has been quite slow for me. My first week back (of my third and eek final year at uni) has been worrying laid back (I do enough to get by it seems, gah!), so I guess I best put the pedal to the metal and put my gear up a stick and other car based metaphors that I'm failing to write. I need to shut up and drive.
This clip from the movie Walk Hard that comes out this month amuses me, it appeared in front of St Trinians and was more amusing, witty, better shot and edited than that whole film, maybe it'll amuse you too, or maybe not. Who am I to tell you that your comedy tastes are wrong.Although I can tell you that the live episode of 2 pints of larger which is supposed to air tonight (on BBC3 home of family guy and umm.... some other show that might be any good, I forget now) is defiantly not funny, and I say that without it even being screened live yet. What's the point of it being live anyway (other than I assume a thrill for the 'actors'), as many, many, many DVD packages have demonstrated (and Anne Robinson BBC1 shows), out takes aren't funny. Ha-Ha-Ha, he fluffed a line! ROFLAMO.
Ummmm... I've forgotten my line on how to finish this blog so umm..... bye! Oh I've remembered now, I should end with Rihanna's Shut up and drive, as I name checked it in the blog! Oh yesh, that's what the masses are demanding. On seconds thoughts, maybe not, turns out the song is about sex and not driving as I initially thought. God, I had metaphors about driving earlier in my blog today, could they be interpreted as being about sex? Oh noes!
Bastardised by
12:10:00 pm
1 Bastards have commented
Wanna see a recurring theme in the posts? 'life'
Thursday, January 03, 2008
Monday MeMe
Well I think it's Monday, but my Battlestar Galactica calender reliably informs me it is infact Thursday, Oh I am blond.
Anyway, here's some MeMe of the year 2007. I kind of have gone off MeMe's, but as has become apparent this year to me, my memory just isn't as good as I thought it was, so by doing this maybe I'll remember summat.
1) Where did you begin 2007?
At a friend's house playing a wild game of Monopoly! Wild Thing! It didn't make my heart sing, but I think it made everything, groovy.
2) What was your status by Valentine's Day?
Very much available, so if the Doctor's companion that never was, Sally Sparrow, was going to go back in time, she could come back to Valentines Days last year and find me.She's so lover-lee, she's so lover-lee. But I won't allow her to be Lee's lover.
3) Were you in school (anytime this year)?
Well does University count as schooling? Probably not I'd imagine, it's just a burden on tax payers for young people to get drunk.
4) How did you earn your money?
Well I got fired from some place at the start of 2007, earned some from there, and I had a summer job at the airport which sadly didn't give me quite enough shifts. Shame, I quite liked working at the airport.
5) Did you have to go to the hospital?
I didn't have to, but I wanted to. Particularly when my arse fell off.
6) Did you have any encounters with the police?
No, and I was well gagging for it. I want to be told off by those police officers that are horse bound that go round the streets of University town. Then I could tell people that a horse arrested me just to get confused looks. "Mum, a horse arrested me" I'd bet the first question I'd get asked was not what I got arrested for, but how could a horse arrest me! I could completely skirt around the issue of what I got arrested for, marvellous!
7) Where did you go on holiday?
I went to Portugal for a week with the family and down to Dorset for a few days. Oh Yesh.
8) What did you purchase that was over £500?
Me MacBook. Ouch. But it's pretty and can take pictures of myself in an oh some tiresome form.
9) Did you know anybody who got married?
10) Did you know anybody who passed away?
No. Oh two dull No answers, I wanna put a funny answer. I passed wind. Tee Hee. Farts.
11) Have you run into anybody you left high school with?
Well not literally ran into, but went out a couple of time this year with some old school friends. Which was nice. (Sorry, been watching too much fast show). We didn't literally run into each other though. That would knock you out cold right? You ain't seen me, right?
12) Did you move anywhere?
Yes, from one side of the park full of dogging and mugging in the university town, to the other side (the safer side).
13) What sporting events did you go to?
Don't be silly, I don't do or observe sports. Unless and England game is on, then I call Steve Mclaren a wanker like everyone else. Let's hope that new one will be Fab.
14) What concerts/shows did you go to?
I saw Rocky Horror at the start of the year, and went to plenty of Mitchell and Webby shows this year. And I saw Karl Kennedy of Neighbours fame. And maybe I saw other stuff, but I forget now. Something I forget now, but wasn't in the middle of.
15) Are you registered to vote?
Yes. Damm you Gordon Brown for not calling a snap election, I wanted to make sure I voted for anyone but David Cameron.
16) Who did you want to win Big Brother?
Wot that racist clap trap? Oh feck off.
But oddly I'm interested in watching the new big brother that starts tonight, which I'm quite worried about, they sound like an interesting group of people, and sounds like a nice shake up to the format that is needed. I'm worried about myself.
17) Where do you live now?
The University town.
18. Describe your last birthday.
Think I went out for a nice meal in an Ask, why do you ask?
19) What's the one thing you thought you would never do but did in 2007?
Get fired! And I did!
20) What has been your favourite moment?
Oh I dunno, genuinely just hanging out with lovely people having a laugh is a nice enough to garner several favourite moments.
21) What's something you learned about yourself?
I'm lazy, stubborn and not that open. And from career guidance module in the university coarse, that British people just don't sell themselves and would prefer to put themselves down.
I have a good butt. Shame it fell off.
22) Any new additions to your family?
Not that I recall.
23) What was your best month?
I'd go with August, two nice trips away, bit of work to keep me busy and catching up with friends. That would be the best month I'd say.
24) What music will you remember 2007 by?
Scooch, when me and some house mates went Eurovision mad in supporting this act of pure cheese, yes we were being silly, but it was fun.
25) Who has been your best drinking buddy?
I dunno, I've kind of been a bit lame this year and not been arsed to get drunk on several opportunities. I'd go with people who don't hate me when I'm drunk, thats what you need in a drinking buddy.
26) Made new friends?
Yeah, well I've been collecting more Facebook friends last year so I'd say thats a sign of making some new friends.
27) Best new friend?
Oh I can't be arsed with best new friend stuff. You like me, I like you, we are friends lets do a poo.
28) Favourite Nights out?
December 31st was a good giggle, and thats the most recent night out I've had, so I pick that. The worse recent night out I've recently had was when I was dragged to see St. Trinians. Very poor.Ha, Ha. Aren't those girls naughty? Ugh.
29) Any regrets?
Oh probably. but don't you learn from your regrets, or something like that?
Bastardised by
2:22:00 pm
Bastards have commented
Wanna see a recurring theme in the posts? MeMe