Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007 hey?

Seems the popular media dictates that some kind of retrospective is necessary at this time of year, well 2007 hey? There was some highs, some lows and some indifferences. I thought about writing about my favourite stuff of the year, but then I couldn't be bothered, I thought about looking over my life the past year and summing up some highs and lows and couldn't be bothered mainly as I can't remember what I did this year (I think if memory serves me right I released a charity single which was Christmas number one, it was entitled 'When you believe') I thought about making some new years resolutions but sadly I can't be bothered, sadly guys and gals I'm just to shattered from the sales to blog anything of note. Look at the sail I saw. So tall, it tired me out.Geddit? Sales? Sails? Yeah. Sorry that's pretty poor, maybe I'll make amends by doing some kind of a list.

TeeVee I've enjoyed this year: Doctor Who, Flight of the Conchords, Charlie Brooker's Screenwipe, Battlestar Galactica, The Office (US), Heroes, Never Mind the Buzzcocks. Yeah those shows have been good, the bestestest ones of the year, they've certainly all been vastly superior to the latest season of 24. Ugh.

Filums I've enjoyed this year: Hot Fuzz, Run Fatboy Run, Superbad, Knocked Up, Bourne Ultimatum, Little Miss Sunshine, Stardust, Ratatouille, Blades of Glory. I've liked the comedy films this year, admittedly some of the films listed aren't amazing, but I've enjoyed them, and they've been better than Pirates 3. Ugh.

Music I've enjoyed this year: Scooch. Enough said.

Life that I've enjoyed this year: hanging out with all the lovely peeps I'm fortunate to know. Yeah! Peeps!

New years resolutions for 2008: Follow up my Christmas number one hit 'When you Believe' under my alias of Leon Jackson with a fantastic album which disses Rhydian for being a ginger traitor for dying his fair, apparently he'll go back to ginger when it is back in fashion, fool, it is always in fashion. Said Leon Jackson.

Here's to 2008, the year I stop being a student scum and become a dole scum. Ugh.The sign fell off my forehead just a second after the photo was taken. Ugh.

Friday, December 21, 2007

It's comforting when Christmas shopping...

...and you're walking around not knowing what to buy loved ones, you bump into your Dad in Debenhams in the same predicament looking around a shop he wouldn't normally go in, just in the hope of finding a Christmas pressie, curse those genes, he's just as bad as me! Although curse those jeans as well, if I was wearing tighter jeans, maybe I'd panic more what with blood supply being slightly cut off.

Why can't I just buy everyone the JML Classic Pen Set from JML Direct, it's nib is indestructible, just look:It can be used as a dart and also be used to stab cans as well as writing! Who wouldn't want that. Certainly be a great toy for those with writers block.

On second thoughts I'll just buy everyone a Mandle Candle.I've spent too much time in Robert Dyas today. I'm currently listening to Clubbed to death, it goes great with the Mandle Candle advert. Certainly delighting me, and entertaining me.

Now playing: Rob Dougan - Clubbed To Death
via FoxyTunes

On third thought, I'll just get everyone my patented Jeremy Kyle mask.You too can be a complete and utter shit in the comfort of your own living room!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Don't let the bells end

The Dan made a Christmas card for his fans, so here's one for my fans, enjoy!Print it out and pretend that I love you (which I do).

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Catching up on the Zees

Terms over, thank fuck, working in the department from 9 AM to 4:30 AM screws up the sleeping patterns, but then I'm a student, I'm not supposed to sleep, just nap. I missed out on the opportunity for free alcohol for a nap, that's how cool I am. Anyway this week I experienced the worst kind of gingerphobia possible when playing bowling, because it's oh so witty to put down jokes names down, I got the indignity of having Ginger Spice put down as my name (I hate Geri Halliwells, Scream if you want her to shut her trap), then it got worse, my name was changed to Anne Robinson. This week I also discovered the simple joys of watching signed music television, well watching a fat lady sign to some timbaland, it's not clever, but it left us in titters, and makes me want to bust some shapes down the roller disco as demonstrated on the teevee. I've also realised this week I really don't need to grow a beard anytime soon, 5 day (ish, I'm loosing track of days, I gather it's christmas soon) of stubble just itched, was annoying, and felt trampish, and I don't want to look like a tramp, might get my ears eaten by Johnathon Creek (ROFLMAO topical humour). To conclude, I shall leave you with a joke which was funny when I was five, and Jerry Seinfeld said that jokes for children and adults are mutually exclusive or summat to that degree [insert comment about how brilliant Seinfeld is]:

A kid had to write a sentence about his holiday to america, so he was going to get on a plane, so he wrote down 'take off', he went to a zoo, and saw a zebra, because he was in America he wrote down 'zeebra', he then was at this restraunt and there was this baby screaming away, so he wrote down 'baby'. He read out his report in school and said 'Take of zee bra baby'. ROFLMAO

Tee Hee Breasts. Actually? was this joke funny when I was five? It certainly isn't funny now, and it's ruddy embarrassing I've transcribed it for you now. Have I even remembered this joke right? Did I ever think it was funny? Was the five year old telling the teacher to take off her bra? That's wrong? This is all so terribly wrong, I'm in dodgy territory here, I didn't want to imply paedophilia on my blog, but oh noes it's happened. Try and have a merry Christmas, but I imagine you're all too shocked by the tone of the blog now, guess it's time to apologize.I want Timbalands to narrate my life wit him saying 'Yeah' at multiple points.

Having Shreddies 'Yeah'
Brushing my teeth 'Yeah'
Having a wank 'Yeah'
Where's the tissues? 'Yeah'

Now playing: Timbaland - Apologize (feat One Republic)
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Suck my days...

Hello there, it's another one of my weekly catch up blog posts where I just randomly list some stuff that happened to me this week keeping it short and sometimes ambiguous in a hope to make it sound much more interesting than it might not already be. Wahee!

This week I laughed myself silly at Matt Lucas and David Walliams on Johnathon Ross and then wept myself silly knowing they're still insisting on producing that Little Britain crap, I saw Karl Kennedy of Neighbours fame at the Student's Union which (let's not pretend it sophisticated in any way) left me with a stupid grin on my face, although a man of Dr. K's age signing Ruby (Roo-Bee, Roo-Bee, Roo-Bee) is a little surreal a sight. I worked until 4:30 in the morning, a disappointingly student achievement, we're supposed to work all night us creatures, well maybe another time soon, like maybe tonight. I also got confused about male toilet conventions, I know we don't chat in the loos like the ladies or go to the loos in pairs, but when a lecturer starts talking to me in the loos (whilst washing the hands, not whilst pointing the pink pistols at the porcelain firing targets) I felt like a rude dick when I wasn't being that chatty, is it allowed by social conventions to chat in the loos? I just don't know. Admittedly I tried it once when a bit wankered, the old toilet chat, but couldn't hear my friend over the hand dryer. Actually maybe I've chatted in the loo twice, some guy in a Camden Weatherspoons called me a cunt, happy days (it was in a friendly way I must stress).

I think that's all I've got share with you for this week, I can't believe I said this blog would be ambiguous, it's not that ambiguous sadly, maybe next week it'll be. To conclude for any of you lovely readers who aren't my facebook friends and won't have seen my new look, here is my new gangster look, enjoy!Word to your mothers if you have lesbian parents.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Back two years ago...

Myself and cohorts in the asbestos filled halls of residence would be wacky and put crazy signs on bedroom doors awaiting people who passed by to leave wacky answers. Wacky!I'm not really making much of a point, more just hoping this wacky piece of paper which has survived two years will raise a smile from you dear reader.